2023 Memorial Donations

Team Captain: Diana Kelley

This page is designed for you to make a donation in memory of someone special who does Not have a Team Page.

Please post the names and dates and any other info that you would like to share in the "Message Team" area.

If you have questions please contact the IRIS Office at 507-330-2148 or email: Trot@irisRemembers.com.

Team Members:

Amanda Foels
Kari Zabinski
Crystal Haefs
Sandra Madsen
John Madsen
faith is amazing ?? Johnson
Connie Johnson
Paige Duban
Kenneth Johnson
Mike Randall
Kelsey Lungstrom
Emily Herd
Paul Carlson
Konner Kubista
Taylor James
Chloe James
Mark Wilkins
Jenne Wilkins
Kenzie Karsten
Allie Wolff
Hailey Swedberg
Nolan Sjodin
Josh Sjodin
Sean DeBruzzi
Nina DeBruzzi
Bella Voigt
Andrew Calmer
Berres Family


Total Raised: $1,769.00
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