A Lullaby for Megan
Copyright 1996 by Juanita Montefiori 
For Megan Noelle 
Whatever will we do without you, Megan Noelle?
Words can never express how we feel: no words can tell.
You came into our lives for such a little while.
You’ve warmed our hearts: you’ve changed our lives with just a smile.
And though it hurts so bad to say,
the angels came to take you away;
and as your mother held you in her arms,
you looked so sweet with all your charm.
Remember this as we let go, somehow,
Jesus will hold you now.
You’re in our hearts, but He will hold you now.
Juanita Montefiori, a special friend of Megan’s family wrote this lullaby and sang it at Megan’s funeral service.

Megan Noelle Applebee, daughter of Richard and Margaret Applebee and little sister to three-year old Courtney, was born on August 14, 1996 with Downs Syndrome and a heart defect. She experienced heart failure at two weeks of age and spent over three weeks in Intensive Care and died on September 20, 1996. The Applebee family also includes her siblings in Heaven, Brandon, Stephanie and Lindsey.