An Easter Poem
By Jacqueline Savageau 
In memory of her daughter Amanda Leigh 
I think I’ll write a poem
that’s not about Amanda.

The blue sky is crisp
this early Easter morn;
the purple crocuses are just
peaking through,
and I’m not thinking about her.

I’m not thinking that today
she would be two weeks old
or about the Victorian floral dress
with antique lace that I made her.

I’m not thinking about
Sunday mass which will begin in four hours,
the church full of sweet lilies,
white gloves and Easter bonneted babes
or that this was to be her big debut.

I’m not thinking of her today at all,
not the Easter basket
sitting empty, just like her room
which is full of dreams
yet still completely empty,
silent like her birth cry
empty, lonely,

I’m not thinking about her
at all today!