Mending a Broken Heart
-Resolve to experience grief: It can't be side-stepped. The shortest route to sunshine is to ride through the storm.
-Cry: That's why God gave us help the bonded-depth, bitter ache. You won't be able to predict when tears will start. Little things can trigger them, so just let it happen.
-Read Inspirational literature: Scriptures and poems can help.
-Maintain your health:
-Eat something even if you aren't hungry
-Sleeping difficulties are normal, try to develop some kind of a sleep pattern
-Stick to your routine as much as possible
-Go for a walk or get some type of exercise
-Get dressed every day - not just in grubby clothing
-Put on your makeup
-Do your hair
-Don't be a slave to housekeeping: Just keep things running relatively well. Hold on to as much dignity and poise as you can muster.
-Don't join organizations or clubs to stay busy
-Make plans to be with others
-Find an outlet for your raw emotions: Crafts, writing, drawing, reading, etc.
-Take part in activities that reflect your interests or increase your skills
-Let people know what you need and when you need them
-Take your time in taking down the nursery and/or putting away all the baby items
-Don't be afraid to attend social gatherings: Birthday parties, holiday parties, etc.
-Hold off on making big decisions
-Enlist professional assistance
-Be aware of the ripple effect on family and friends
-Pay tribute