It Was Only a Dream
By Kelly J. Gonzalez 
In memory of Alycia Coady Gonzalez September 21, 1986  
As I go to sleep each night,
I spend a few moments with you.
Talking to you as if you were here.
Oh, how I wish that were true!!

After I talk with you in my prayers,
my mind quickly fills with thoughts
as I reminisce about the dreams I had
and the happiness your brief life brought.

Now those dreams are shattered
beyond any kind of repair.
I ache for you so strongly,
your death was so unfair!

But after five years since I lost you,
my dreams are of something new-
my subconscious mind is awake at night
bringing me images of you.

Images of you in my empty arms
but in this sweet dream I see
your beautiful little eyes opening
and your small face smiling at me.

Suddenly I awaken
with tears upon my face.
This image of you alive and smiling
my mind cannot erase.

My precious Alycia, you were there
so full of life, it seemed.
I wish so deeply that it was true,
but it was only a dream.