Silent Love
By Marilyn Tylka, R.N. 
Not everyone knows the force and depth of silent love-
It is not always easy to find.
Many days it comes lost in pain and sorrow.
But SILENT LOVE is there-
You and I know that.

Not everyone knows that silent love can last forever-
Long after we’ve had to part.
Some may question our very stability.
As memories or feelings are recalled.
But SILENT LOVE needs this-
You and I know that.

Not everyone knows only a parent is capable of this
Deep, special kind of love-
It is a bond reserved for parent and child.
I will know only one mother, one father,
SILENT LOVE knows that can only be you-
You and I know that.

Not everyone knows that Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
Are your days, too-
And yes, our time together was far too short,
And not hardly fair.
But let your SILENT LOVE whisper

In your SILENT LOVE hold your memory of me close,
See it in a warm ray of sunshine-
Since I cannot give you a hug.
Since I cannot show you a smile.
See it in the calm of a rainbow after a storm.

Signed: Your Baby